
Portfolio - Patrick of the Caribbean

Patrick of the Caribbean

Patrick of the Caribbean is a turn based strategy (TBS) adventure game.

Patrick of the Caribbean reached 27/30 in final score and was voted "Best turn based strategy game" 2015 out of 7 games made by the students of The Game Assembly.

My Role - designing the levels utilizing the content we where given by the graphical artists while also making sure to request content we needed.
Coming up with story, objectives/quests and dialogue for the game.
Playtesting, sound/music volume tweaking and bug fixing.

Applications used - all levels are made in Tiled using 'tiles' provided by the graphical artists.
Tools used to create dialogue and items for the game made by the Programmers.

Click here to download »


Development time - 8 weeks (50%.)

Team - 2 level designers, 3 graphical artists and 5 programmers.

Gametype - Turn based strategy.

Gametime - around 1 Hour depending on difficulty settings.

Special Features

Inventory - Lots of equippable weapons and armor changing player stats and changing the graphic of the character.

Difficulties - 5 different difficulties based on enemy hp/dmg.

Level Select - Option for chosing to start on either of the games three acts.


Patrick of the Caribbean Screenshot 1
Patrick of the Caribbean Screenshot 2
Patrick of the Caribbean Screenshot 3
Patrick of the Caribbean Screenshot 4
Patrick of the Caribbean Screenshot 5
Patrick of the Caribbean Screenshot 6

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